Art Business Info: NEWS
about art for artists
Yesterday I 'soft' launched a NEW Facebook Page associated with this website.
You can find it at Before I formally announced it had some 60+ likes. Since going public earlier this afternoon it has now got over 200 likes in its first 24 hours. The rationale behind the new Page is explained in Making A Mark on Art Business and Marketing. In summary - the intention is that this should provide an easy of keeping up to speed with interesting news and updates about matters relating to:
Some of what you see on the Facebook Page will also be the subject of posts on this blog. Some items will relate to new links and updates to the website. Bottom line - it's a different way of keeping up to date with what's happening - and the speed of change in the environment in which artists have to operate these days. If you have a Facebook account and you'd like to keep up with it you can link to it by 'liking' the page. It should then appear in your news feed - and will continue to do so if you regularly indicate an appreciation of what is posted. (Note about how Facebook works: If you just look and do nothing then chances are it will disappear from your news feed in time. Your Facebook news feed is always configured to present you with information you like looking at and respond to! It does NOT contain every new item on every page you have ever liked.)
UK Tax Returns 2014-15 - deadline 31 January 2016Artists in the UK who are just now remembering they need to complete their Self-Assessment tax returns for their self-employed income by 31 January may find my Tax Tips for Artists page useful. This includes three sections of particular relevance to UK artists:
Digital Tax accounts and quarterly reportingTax Tips for Artists has recently been updated with some outline information about the proposed new digital tax account and quarterly reporting for all those having a turnover in excess of £10,000 p.a.
Making tax digital (pdf) is the formal paper setting out what changes the government proposes to introduce and how it will work. Consultation on the proposals is occurring at present so nothing as yet is set in stone. I'll be writing more about this in future. If you want to stay in touch with updates about art business matters generally and digital tax accounting and quarterly reporting in particular please subscribe to this blog. I've been commissioned to write a series of ten articles for The Artist Magazine - part of Painters Online. They'll be published on the last page of the magazine (page 66) throughout 2016.
The articles will look at more cost-effective practices and money-saving tips related to the the business of being an artist. If you'd like to read my series of articles - and the rest of what is an excellent magazine - you can access the different ways to subscribe via the website. The magazine is also available in digital format and consequently can be read by anybody anywhere in the world Alternatively you can browse a selection of pages taken from the December issue of The Artist below - and buy a copy of subscribe to the magazine.
This is the brand new NEWS blog for the Art Business Info. for Artists website.
It's about business news about art and for artists. I've been writing about the art business for nearly 10 years. I've also been passing on useful information, tips and advice on my 'resources for artists sites' for nearly as long. All the art business-related sites are now all being consolidated on this one site. In future, I'll be using this blog to:
You'll be able to able to comment on posts and ask questions - by using the comments facility. Please note all comments will be moderated so will not publish straight away. If you're interested in staying up to date you can also subscribe to the blog in the side column. Do feel free at any time to tell me what's puzzling you and what you can't find any information about. I'm always happy to look at adding in a new page to this website to cover very specific aspects. You can navigate around this site via the dropdown menu on the top line (in desktop view) or via the hamburger menu if you're on a mobile device. Past blog posts will be archived and, in future, you'll be able to look up everything on a specific topic by reviewing the categories which will develop as I publish posts |
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Art Business Info. News for Artists
Successful artists get on top of the business side of being an artist. Do you want to: Visitors so farNo. of visitors since April 2015:
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AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about art, artists and the art business and has followers all over the world. She also delivers workshops for art organisations and reviews websites and career strategies for artists. Art Business Blogs
Art Biz Blog (Alyson Stanfield) (Alan Bamberger) Art Business News ArtsBusiness Institute Art Marketing News (Barney Davey) ArtPromotivate - Tips Artsy Shark (Carolyn Edlund) Be Smart about Art (Susan Mumford) edward_winkleman Fine Art Views (Clint Watson) Laura C George Professional Artist - News Right Brain Rock Star - no longer publishing Savvy Painter Podcasts The Abundant Artist (Cory Huff) The Art Law Blog The Clarion List - Blog Archives
January 2024
Copyright: 2015-2021 Katherine Tyrrell | Making A Mark Publications
- all rights reserved If you've got any suggestions for what you'd like to see on this website please send me your suggestion
1) Content and the law change all the time. It's impossible to keep up with it if you're not working on the topic full time. 2) I research topics carefully. However, I am totally unable to warrant that ANY and/or ALL information is
3) Hence all information I provide comes without any LIABILITY whatsoever to you for any choices you make.
4) This website is FREE FOR YOU but not for me. Links to books are Amazon Affiliate links. Buying a book via this website means I get a very small payment which helps to fund and maintain this website. .I much appreciate any support your provide. Adverts are provided by Google AdSense - but the adverts do not mean I endorse the advertiser. |