This page covers:
If you receive a notification of copyright infringement via letter, email, phone call or similar, you should take time to understand the allegation and try to determine the validity of the claim. Do not ignore it. |
The aim of this page is to provide you with a quick scan outline of what copyright infringement, fair ealing / fair use and the public domain actually are.
PLUS some links to more in-depth articles and places where you can find out about these two concepts. IMPORTANT NOTES:
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artist’s work and get away with it. It is theft, as surely as reaching into someone’s pocket and taking their wallet is theft.
Philip Pullman
(Intellectual Property) IP crime and infringement. Copyright is usually infringed when someone carries out any of the acts restricted by copyright without the rights holder permission, whether in respect of the whole or a substantial part of the work. |
REFERENCE - GOV.UK Publications
Copyright, patents, designs and trade marks are all types of intellectual property protection. |
What is copyright infringement? |
The copyright owner is entitled to recover the actual damages suffered by him or her as a result of the infringement, and any profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement and are not taken into account in computing the actual damages. |
The US-based College Arts Association’s Code of Best Practice in Fair Use for the Visual Arts aims to help those working in visual art understand how they can use copyright-protected materials safely, without infringing copyright. |
Fair use is a legal framework which provides guidance on:
Fair dealing laws can apply to:
Fair dealing is governed by Sections 29 and 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. |
The ‘fair dealing’ criteria will apply to uses of artistic works that are for the following purposes and which are explained in our general factsheet on copyright exceptions. |
UK copyright law (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) defines a number of exceptions, in the form of permitted acts. |
Fair dealing for criticism, review or quotation is allowed for any type of copyright work. |
"Fair Use"
BELOW you can find expert comment from authoritative sources about what is "fair use" and how it can be measured. |
They are defined by four factors as follows:
Each of these factors need to be weighed in each case in order to determine whether a use qualifies as a fair use. If the copyright holder disagrees with the "fair use" the matter may be resolved in court. There is a significant amount of case law which is relevant. |
the Court shifted the consideration away from the artistic contribution of the new work, and focused instead on commercial concerns. By doing so, the Court’s Warhol decision will significantly limit the amount of borrowing from and building on previous works that artists can engage in.
......the Warhol who emerges in the majority opinion is a tame portraitist whose work is just not that different from the photographs on which it is based. thing is clear: it is now far riskier for an artist to borrow from previous work.
- The Supreme Court’s Warhol Decision Just Changed the Future of Art | Art in America
Works in the public domain can be used without seeking anyone’s permission and without incurring a copyright fee.
Works in the public domain | DACS
If you think that something is in the public domain simply because it is on the Internet YOU ARE WRONG!
There are a lot of people who don't know much about copyright and the law who think that everything on the Internet is in the public domain - because it's on the Internet. They are WRONG. This section covers what the public domain really is EXAMPLES
The phrase “public domain” refers to works that have effectively become public property and are no longer protected by copyright law. This occurs when the copyright in a work of art expires. Where is the public domain? |
Rated on Amazon:
BUY THIS BOOK at: AMAZON.CO.UK Getting Permission: How to License & Clear Copyrighted Materials Online & Off (6TH EDITION)
Getting Permission explains:
Ch. 4 Getting Permission to Use Artwork
Forms include:
Series: Getting Permission
Paperback: 536 pages Publisher: NOLO; Seventh edition (October 29, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1413326897 ISBN-13: 978-1413326895 Product Dimensions: 7 x 1 x 9 inches Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds |
OFFICIAL - US Copyright Office
OFFICIAL - UK Intellectual Property Office
Copyright: 2015-2021 Katherine Tyrrell | Making A Mark Publications
- all rights reserved If you've got any suggestions for what you'd like to see on this website please send me your suggestion
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