(1) PRICES ARE TOO LOW You won't even cover your costs. Ultimately you won't have a business. More importantly, your pricing signals that you should only be regarded as a hobby artist. If your work doesn't have value, should you be selling it? |
(2) PRICES ARE TOO MODERATE You never make enough money. You may make a small profit, but you never seem to have enough money to expand your activities e.g.
(3) PRICES ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE MARKET PLACE People probably won't buy your art. A lot of artists do not know the value of their art or understand the nature of a marketplace. They haven't done any research. They haven't found a benchmark for how much their type of actually sells for wherever they live. People typically buy art for a perceived fair price. If an artist prices too high or too low relative to a buyer's perceived fair price, it's unlikely they will sell much work. |
(4) PRICES ARE TOO HIGH People won't buy your art. You may limit the number of galleries prepared to sell your art in your locality. You will forever be anxious as to where the next sale is coming from There's a lot to be said for not giving up the day job until you can sell enough art and make enough money that walking away from the day job seems the logical next step. |
Find out more about the elements which influence pricing decisions. Your aim should be to identify the price which
A price does NOT equal a sale! The price of a piece of art that you see does NOT equate to the price paid for a sale achieved - unless the picture has a red spot or sold ticket next to it.
PLUS the price paid is not the same as the income earned. How much the artist gets depends on how and where art is sold - and the expenses involved in displaying and selling their art (eg framing; shipping costs; commission) |
Benchmark your prices against sales achieved NOT the prices asked Find an effective benchmark for your art:
Outcome Orientated
Input Orientated
Steal Like and Artist by Austin Kleon
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This book started out as a speech to college students about things the author wish he'd known when starting out. It sets out ten transformative principles to help help readers discover their artistic side and build a more creative life. Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; First Edition, Later Printing edition: February 28, 2012 Steal Like An Artist
Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
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Another 10 transformative principles for sharing your work and succeeding as an artist in a digital world. I've got a copy of this book and it's very definitely worth a read if you want to show your work. Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Workman Publishing Company Published: March 6, 2014 Show Your Work!
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