This page covers the key organisations are:
Plus links to online responses from the Australian community and independent commentators
The image at the top is the building housing the Department of Communications and the Arts in Canberra. |
No particular level of literary or artistic merit is required for copyright to subsist in a work. However single words, slogans or titles are not sufficiently substantial to be protected as works. They may be protected by other legal means, such as a trademark or under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).
The Laws
Until 2004, copyright in Australia was based on the "plus 50" law which restricts works until 50 years after the author's death. In 2004 this was changed to a "plus 70" law in line with the USA and European Union, but this change was not made retroactive. The consequence is that the work of an author who died before 1955 is normally in the public domain in Australia. |
REFERENCE Articles about Australian Copyright
The Arts Law Centre of Australia
This is is the national community legal centre for the arts in Australia. . Its roles is to help those needing assistance with the legal aspects of being an artist. Such help includes:
The Australia Law Reform Commission
The Australian Law Reform Commission is a federal agency that reviews Australia’s laws to ensure they provide improved access to justice for all Australians by making laws and related processes more equitable, modern, fair and efficient. So far as copyright is concerned...
Department of Communications and the Arts
Address: 38 Sydney Ave, Forrest ACT 2603 The Department of Communications and the Arts manages the Copyright Act 1968 and works on copyright policy in Australia, and international copyright issues.
TNS Australia worked with this DCA to produce reports on copyright infringement
IP Australia
Postal address: PO Box 200, Woden ACT 2606 IP Australia is the Government organisation that administers intellectual property matters i.e. the patents, trade marks, designs and plant breeder's rights system
The Australian Copyright Council
This is a not-for-profit organisation which provides information, advice and training about copyright in Australia.
The Australian Library and Information Association
Museums Australia
Key points |
Australian Government Attorney-General's Department
The Australian Government administers copyright.
Copyright protection is free and automatic in Australia. There is no registration system. |
Some websites offer copyright protection or to "register" copyright for a fee. These websites have no authority to guarantee copyright protection. |
Copyright collecting agencies in Australia make sure creators are rewarded for their creativity.
These are copyright collecting agencies relevant to artists
Copyright: 2015-2021 Katherine Tyrrell | Making A Mark Publications
- all rights reserved If you've got any suggestions for what you'd like to see on this website please send me your suggestion
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