Art Business Info: NEWS
about art for artists
This video is well worth watching by those trying to succeed as artists. Paul Klein has been involved in the art world and with artists for over 40 years. He used to run a gallery. He now focuses on teaching an online professional course for artists - and he works as mentor to TED Fellows. Making good art is a necessary but not sufficient condition for becoming a successful artist. He considers there are three necessary preconditions for being a successful artist
He identifies a mantra I have heard from a number of people - and frequently repeat to artists I've met in the last decade or so. 50% of an artist's efforts should be outside of making art - that means 30-70 of an artist's time should be on making an artist's career. Sometimes artists can benefit enormously by having
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1 Comment
[UPDATE: This new section and this blog post have been revised since first published] Back in August I indicated I was developing a new section for the Art Business Info for Artists website. I've now published the NEW SECTION page which I'm calling PRACTICE as shorthand in the main menu. However it's full title is PRACTICE - How to be a successful artist - and it's about what else you need to do to become successful besides making art! I'm grouping content into three areas - outlined below and publishing contents as I finish each new section. Live links are shown in red Business Habits
Real Life Business Practices
Learning Opportunities
How you can help In terms of future development of this section, it would be especially helpful to know what are the things that
I'll be developing more content for this new section over the winter so....
if you want to keep up with more developments and new content I suggest you Subscribe to Art Business Info. for Artists - NEWS by Email I've published a NEW PAGE - TIPS: Starting Out as an Artist - in the new PRACTICE section of this website. (see How to be a successful artist) It's not about 'how to paint' - instead it's all about the attitudes, habits, knowledge and practices related to the art business which will help emerging artists develop their careers - and exhibit and sell their art. So If you want.....
It's by no means a finished page. I've got a lot more I can add to it - but it would be very interesting and helpful to me to know what you think of it so far. Do please take a look. I'd appreciate feedback or leave a comment on this blog post below. Subscribe to Art Business Info. for Artists - NEWS by Email
and receive every post via email. Your subscription is only activated after you verify the link in the email you will receive Paying for health care and business insurance, saving for retirement and recovering from disasters can be tough to handle for artists without traditional jobs Smart Art: Why More Artists Need to Study Business is an article and a 20 minute podcast (RECOMMENDED). This post provides a quick briefing on what it's about. They both focus on why artists need to be more than just talented artists in order to succeed and survive in the art world and what they need to know and do. All quotations are from the article unless otherwise stated. Traditionally, the artist was seen as this type of person who was aloof or being unaware of the real world. It gave them some X-factor. But not anymore, because there are more than 2 million artists in the U.S., and they have to survive somehow. According to data, we know that only 40% of them will remain as working artists within five years, and only 10% of them will persist in the long run. The participants are:
CERF+ is committed to helping artists build resilient careers through sustainable business practices that can contribute to the likelihood of rebounding from setbacks, whether due to minor mishaps or major emergencies. Key points include:
Artists need to know:
and finally...... My response to the first comment on this article from Luis G. Renart, Emeritus Professor of Marketing, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain is my 2013 post Picasso the businessman - branding and the value of art a.k.a. this man doesn't understand what an astute business man Picasso was! REFERENCE: Subscribe to Art Business Info. for Artists - NEWS by Email
and receive every post via email. (Your subscription is only activated after you verify the link in the email you will receive) I'm currently developing a new section on Art Business Information for Artists to make room for all the tips I've developed and collected about
STEP UP The name keeps changing but it's essentially about stepping up to the reality of what it takes to become a successful artist. It's about:
plus two topics I've recently posted about on Making A Mark. HABITSThis is essentially about being an artist and
Topics will include
REAL LIFEThis is about real life and professional business practices for artists. Art is not all about making art. There's a lot of routine which you need to make time for and which need to be followed if you aren't going to be wasting your time and living and working and storing your art in a complete mess. Plus professional practices which can make a difference between being a successful artist and an "also ran". Topics will include:
LEARNING & Continued Professional DevelopmentTopics will include
"I want to thank you hugely for such a very useful and shrewd report and for all the time and thought you have put in. I agree with virtually every point you make and recognise the need to address a lot of the issues" Let me know your priorities |
Wanting to find out about the business side of art?
Art Business Info. News for Artists
Successful artists get on top of the business side of being an artist. Do you want to: Visitors so farNo. of visitors since April 2015:
and receive every post via email.
AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about art, artists and the art business and has followers all over the world. She also delivers workshops for art organisations and reviews websites and career strategies for artists. Art Business Blogs
Art Biz Blog (Alyson Stanfield) (Alan Bamberger) Art Business News ArtsBusiness Institute Art Marketing News (Barney Davey) ArtPromotivate - Tips Artsy Shark (Carolyn Edlund) Be Smart about Art (Susan Mumford) edward_winkleman Fine Art Views (Clint Watson) Laura C George Professional Artist - News Right Brain Rock Star - no longer publishing Savvy Painter Podcasts The Abundant Artist (Cory Huff) The Art Law Blog The Clarion List - Blog Archives
January 2024
Copyright: 2015-2021 Katherine Tyrrell | Making A Mark Publications
- all rights reserved If you've got any suggestions for what you'd like to see on this website please send me your suggestion
1) Content and the law change all the time. It's impossible to keep up with it if you're not working on the topic full time. 2) I research topics carefully. However, I am totally unable to warrant that ANY and/or ALL information is
3) Hence all information I provide comes without any LIABILITY whatsoever to you for any choices you make.
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